82 Digital is a leading animation agency based in the UAE, offering businesses and individuals various animation services. As a dedicated animation company, we are committed to delivering high-quality animation services that accurately reflect our client’s brands and help them engage with their target audience. Our skilled animators work closely with our clients to understand their requirements and create stunning animated videos that captivate their audience. Whether you need a video animation company for explainer videos, social media content, or brand promotions, we have you covered. Our animation services include 2D and 3D animations, whiteboard animations, motion graphics, and more. With our extensive experience in the industry and a strong commitment to delivering exceptional services, we have established ourselves as a trusted animation company in the UAE.


2D Animation

We are the premier provider of 2D animation services that specializes in bringing stories to life through visually compelling and engaging animations. Our experienced animators use the latest tools and techniques to create animations tailored to their client’s specific needs and objectives.

3D Animation

Our 3D animation services are cutting-edge and high-quality, using advanced technology to create stunning and realistic animations that captivate audiences. Our experienced team of 3D animators works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and objectives, ensuring that the final product meets or exceeds expectations. 

Stop Motion Animation

Our stop-motion animation services utilize an innovative technique to bring ideas to life. Our team of stop-motion animators has extensive experience in creating unique and visually stunning animations that stand out in the market.

Motion Graphics Animation

Our top-of-the-line motion graphics animation services are perfect for businesses and individuals looking to create eye-catching and dynamic visual content. Our skilled team of motion graphics designers combines creative thinking with technical expertise to produce aesthetically pleasing and informative animations. 


The first step in 82 Digital’s animation process is ideation. During this stage, the team works with the client to gather information about their goals, target audience, and brand identity. They also discuss the animation style that best suits the client’s needs.


The second step is scripting. At this stage, the team creates a script that outlines the story and dialogue of the animation. This script is the animation’s backbone, dictating the project’s pacing, tone, and direction. The team works closely with the client to ensure the script aligns with their brand messaging and objectives.


The third step is the design phase. During this stage, the team creates the visual elements of the animation, including characters, backgrounds, and objects. They use their creative skills to bring the client’s vision to life and ensure that the animation is aesthetically appealing and consistent with the brand’s identity.


The fourth step is the animation stage. The team uses specialized software and tools to bring the designs to life, creating movement and emotion through the characters and objects. The animators work closely with the client to ensure the animation is on-brand and meets their expectations.
The fifth step is post-production. The team works closely with the client to ensure that the final product meets their expectations and aligns with their objectives. Once the animation is complete, the team adds final touches, such as sound effects, music, and voiceovers, to enhance the overall quality of the animation.


The final step is delivery. At this stage, the team delivers the animation to the client in the desired format, whether for social media, a website, or a television commercial. They also provide ongoing support to ensure the animation successfully integrates into the client’s marketing campaign and meets their objectives.


If your website is not compatible with the mobile screen or takes a lot of time in loading, the visitor is expected to move to another website that shows results immediately. We create responsive e-commerce websites to convert visitors into customers.
Online shopping is just like you are shopping in real life where you need to attract the customers so that they buy something even if they did not have the intention to. We create websites that are easy to navigate and take you to the section of your choice smoothly.

Our team makes sure not to choose a theme that gives a cluttered feel to your store, neither feels empty. Finding the exact balance between being under-done and over-done is what our developers are expert at. 

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